Monday, December 13, 2010

central station

Central station was about the relationship between this little boy by the name of Josué who is trying to find and meet his biological father and Dora who used to be a teacher and also never married and does not have any children. Dora was working at the train station when she met Josué. She was writing letters for illiterate customers in exchange for some money. She really didn’t like the customers she thought they are just sending stupid letters to unreal people. She didn’t mail the letters she used to go throw the letters with her friend who also was a former teacher and her friend. Josué is a poor 9-year-old boy who has never met with his father but hopes to do so. His mother sends letters to his father through Dora, saying that she hopes to reunite with him soon, but when she is run over and killed in a bus accident just outside of the train station, he is left homeless. Dora takes him in and sells him, but she is made to feel guilty by her neighbor and friend Irene and later steals him back. Dora is initially reluctant to be responsible for the boy, but she ends up deciding to take a trip with him to the Nordeste, the northeast region of the country, in order to find his father's house and leave him there. Dora tries to leave Josué on the bus but he follows her, forgetting his rucksack which contains Dora's money. Penniless, they are picked up by a kind, religious truck driver who abandons them when Dora grows too friendly. Dora trades her watch for a ride to Bom Jesus on the back of a truck. They find the only address Josué's mother had for his father in Bom Jesus, but the current residents say that Jesus won a house in the lottery, and now lives in the new settlements; but they also say that he lost the house and money through drinking. With no money, Josué saves them from destitution by suggesting Dora write letters for the pilgrims who have arrived in Bom Jesus for a massive pilgrimage. This time she posts the letters.
They take the bus to the settlements, but when they locate the address they have for Josué's father, they are told by the new residents that he no longer lives there and that he has disappeared. Josué tells Dora that he will wait for him, but Dora invites him to live with her. She calls Irene in Rio and asks her to sell her refrigerator, sofa, and television. She says that she will call when she gets settled elsewhere. After she hangs up, she learns that there are no buses leaving until the next morning.
Isaías, one of Josué's half-brothers, is working on a roof next to the bus stop, and learns that they are looking for his father. After introducing himself, Dora says that she is a friend of his father and was in the area. Isaías insists that she and Josué, who has introduced himself as Geraldo, come to dinner. They return to his house, where they meet Moisés, the other half-brother. Later, Isaías explains to Dora that their father married Ana, Josué's mother, after their mother died, and that nine years ago, while pregnant, Ana went to Rio and never returned. Isaías asks Dora to read a letter his father wrote for Ana when he disappeared, six months ago, in case she returned. In the letter, Josué's father explains that he has gone to Rio to find Ana, and the son he has never met. He promises to return, and asks her to wait for him. He writes that then they can all be together, himself, Ana, Isaías, and Moisés. At this point Dora pauses, looks at Josué and then says, "and Josué, who I can't wait to meet." Isaías and Moisés both realize that Geraldo is actually their half-brother, Josué. Isaías and Josué both say that he will return, but Moisés doesn't think so. The next morning, while Josué sleeps, Dora takes the bus for Rio, but first leaves beside the letter from Jesus the one from Ana to Jesus, which Dora carried with her from the Central Station but has never mailed, expressing Ana's wish for the family to be reunited. Josué wakes up too late to prevent her departure. Both are left with a photo by which to remember one another. Tis movie was great and really emotional for me I really felt bad for the little boy who is trying to find his father. Overall it’s a great movie and I really recommend it to everyone.

Monday, November 22, 2010

walk on water

Walk on water was about Eyal who happened to be a secret agent works for a tour company in Israel. He was the hit man who targets people and kills them. His wife killed herself after he killed one of the Arab people. The agency that he was working for decided that he needs to take on a less challenging assignment: to find an aging Nazi war criminal and get him "before God does". In order for Eyal to track the old German man. He had to meet up with the old man grand kids and work for them as a tour guide.
Axel was the grandson of the old man and he came to Israel to talk to his sister pia and ask her to go back with him to Germany for their father’s birthday party. Pia had left her family because she found out about her grandfather and how her parents were hiding her grandfather. She shares this information with Axel. Eyal installed a microphone in pia’s room to listen to their conversation. Eyal start becoming friend to them and he start felling that Axel and Pia were decent people who demonstrate that most Germans have gotten beyond the hatred that led to the Holocaust. They spend time together and Eyal enjoys himself, even if he would not openly admit so. His friendship with Axel allows him to display some humanity, letting down his tough-guy machismo. Eyal and Axel even take a mud bath by the Dead Sea, showering off together in the nude afterward. When the three are at dinner one night in a Tel Aviv restaurant, Axel speaks privately to the Palestinian waiter, Rafik, and finds out where the best club in town is. Later that evening, Axel, Pia, and Eyal arrive at the club. Eyal is shocked to discover that it is a gay club. He sees Axel dancing with Rafik and is taken aback.         
Eyal is initially disgusted and disappointed to discover that Axel is gay. He asks to be removed from the assignment, not attempting to hide his homophobia as the reason. His boss, Menachem, insists that Eyal finish the mission. Eyal visits Germany and comes to realize that Axel's orientation is unimportant. During the visit, Eyal defends a group of Axel's transsexual friends from attackers and, in doing so, reveals that he is fluent in German. He tells Axel that his parents were German, leaving out that most of the Jews in his mother's region of Germany had been killed by Axel's grandfather. Later during the visit, Eyal runs into Menachem, whose family was also killed by the grandfather's Nazi activities.
Axel invites Eyal to his father's birthday party. The guests are uncomfortable about Eyal's nationality and religion, but, still polite. After the cake is brought out, Axel's parents surprise the guests by bringing out Axel's aged grandfather. Axel angrily confronts his mother and goes to Eyal's room, only to find a folder full of information on Axel's family. Meanwhile, Eyal meets with Menachem and tells him that they can easily take the grandfather and bring him to Israel to be tried for his war crimes. Menachem reveals that they are the only two on this mission, and the aim is to kill the grandfather. Eyal is clearly conflicted, but takes the case of poisons that Menachem gives him.
Eyal arrives at Axel's house and enters the grandfather's room, unbeknownst to all but Axel. Axel sneaks up behind Eyal and watches as he fills a syringe with poison, doing nothing to intervene. Ultimately, though, Eyal is unable to fulfill the task. He leaves, and Axel tenderly caresses his grandfather's face before turning off his oxygen tank, killing him. He goes to Eyal's room, where Eyal tells him that the suicide note his wife wrote told him that he kills everything that comes near him. Eyal says that doesn't want to kill anymore and breaks down in Axel's arms.After two years. Eyal and Pia are married with a child named Tom and Eyal and Axel remain good friends.
The movie showed us how the person can be changed and how the really bad person with all the bad thoughts and has no emotions can change to the better. For me the movie was great it really shows and describes what is going on right now in the Middle East.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bombay is a very big city in India which is also is the capital of India. Today I want t talk about the Indian movie which was named after the city of Bombay. This movie is about two different families following different religions the first family has a son by the name of Shekhar. He was the son of a traditional Hindu father in a seaside village in Tamil Nadu. He was also a journalism student studying in Bombay, Shekhar visits back home to see his family. On one of his return trips, he saw Shaila Bano  who happened to be a Muslim schoolgirl in the village. Initially shy, Shaila seeks to distance herself from Shekhar, but after frequent run-ins, and days of pursuit, Shaila begins to like Shekhar. Eventually, they both fall in love. Shekhar went to shailla’s father to ask him to marry his daughter and he kicked him out of his house. Also Shekar’s father refuses to accept Shaila as his daughter-in-law, telling Shekhar to find another partner, whilst Shaila's father announces the need for an immediate marriage between his daughter and a Muslim man. Shekhar's father says if the two ever get married, he will cease talking to his son. Shekhar reacts angrily to his father's refusal to accept Shaila, and so leaves, back to Bombay. Shaila, under increasing pressure from her father, escapes from the village and joins Shekhar. At first, Shaila is overwhelmed by the city, having relocated for the first time from rural surroundings to a city life. However, with time she adapts to her new lifestyle. The two get married. The newlyweds move into a new apartment. Shaila became pregnant and gave birth to twins, Kabir Narayan and Kamal Basheer. The twins are raised in both religions. Shekar continued to work as a journalist, whilst Shaila stayed home, looking after the children. For six years, the families live in Bombay, settling in well, and begin the process of repairing relations with their respective families. The relatives visited the family in the city for the first time in over half a decade, and are overjoyed to see their two grandchildren.
Meanwhile, in India, religious extremism launches each community against the other, causing a wave of Hindu/Muslim riots that leave hundreds dead in Bombay. Targets of violence from both sides, Shaila and Shekhar worry increasingly over the safety of their children, whom they raised with both Hindu and Islamic traditions. They are constantly under threat. The growing tension threatens to bring tragedy to the family and how they cope with it form the crux of the story.
The movie focused on a lot of problems that were accruing during that period of time but the main issue was the religion and the resinous wars that were going on at the time. I think the movie was too violent and it really showed the war as if it was really happening at our time. Also the slow motion moves helped to make the movie more exciting. I really liked the music and the dances especially the Indian Michael Jackson.


This movie was about this little teenager criminal who lives in Johannesburg. His name was Tsotsi, and he was living with his parents till he got kicked out by his father when he was trying to come near his very sick mother. His real name was David, after running away from home; he went to live with the other homeless kids in his town. They used to live in a series of large concrete construction pipes. Now after he became a teenager he and his friends created a little gang they used to steal money from other people even if they sometimes had to kill them. Tsotsi is leader of a gang including his friends Butcher, Aap, and Boston. After getting involved in a murder committed by Butcher during doing their work, Tsotsi and Boston get into a fight which leaves Boston badly injured. Later on Tsotsi shoots Pumla the young woman, while stealing her car, only to discover a three-month-old baby in the back seat. Tsotsi hastily strips the car of its valuables and takes the baby back to his shack. Pumla survives the attack and works with a police artist to create a composite sketch of Tsotsi's face, which is then run in the newspapers.
Tsotsi couldn’t properly take care of the baby on his own, Tsotsi found Miriam, with a young child strapped to her back, collecting water from a public tap. He followed her to her house and forced her to breast feed the baby. Meanwhile, rich gang leader Fela begins attempting to recruit Aap, Boston and Butcher to work for him. After he takes the child to Miriam a second time, she asks Tsotsi to leave the child with her so that she can care for him on Tsotsi's behalf, to which he agrees. Tsotsi decided to take care of the injured Boston, and had Aap and Butcher takes Boston to his house. Boston, who is called Teacher Boy by his friends, explains that he never took the teachers' examination, and Tsotsi tells him that the gang will raise the money so that Boston can take the exam. To do so, they will have to commit another robbery. The gang went to Pumla's house to steal money and to steal things for the baby, but Pumla's husband John came back from the hospital they follow him into the house and tie him up. Aap watching watch John while Butcher ransacks the bedroom and Tsotsi collects items from the baby’s room. When Aap goes to raid the fridge, John activates the alarm. In panic, Butcher attempted to kill John with John's gun that he found, but Tsotsi shoot and killed Butcher with his gun and he and Aap escape in John's car moments before the security company arrives. Aap decided to leave the gang and quit as Tsotsi's friend. When Tsotsi goes back to Miriam's house she revealed that she knows where he got the baby, and begs him to return the child to his parents. Tsotsi went to John's house, tells John over the intercom that he will leave the child outside the gate. The police arrived before he escaped and he got arrested.

The major theme of this movie is poverty and the struggle to survive in the really poor city that they were living in. the movie also showed us how their were different types in gangs and how people were teaming up to survive even the little kids. I really enjoyed the movie. I think the sound track and the music were a very high quality. Also the street language added some type of comedy part to the movie over all I think the movie is great and I think I will watch it a gain    

Monday, November 15, 2010

the unknown woman

The unknown woman is movie about Irena who was a sex slave. The movie starts The Unknown Woman” begins with a flashback in which Irena, in a blond wig and white mask  and dressed only in underwear and spiked heels, joins other prostitutes to audition for a client seen only as a peeping eye. The movie abruptly cuts from the recent past to the present in a northern Italian city where Irena, now a drably outfitted brunette with large haunted eyes, finds a job as a janitor in an upscale apartment building. The residence is inhabited by an unhappily married couple, the Adachers (Pierfrancesco Favino and Claudia Gerini), and their daughter, Thea. For all of Irena’s protestations about needing a job, she produces a wad of cash to rent the apartment across the street, the better to spy on the family.
Irena best friend the Adachers’ doorman (Alessandro Haber) by offering him a percentage of her salary, and through him meets the family’s garrulous live-in maid, Gina (Piera Degli Esposti). No sooner are they pals than Irena contrives a near-fatal accident in which Gina tumbles down the building’s spiral staircase. Replacing her as the Adachers’ housekeeper, Irena surreptitiously scours the place, searching for a mysterious something. She also develops an intense, seesawing relationship with Thea, whom she alternately bullies and coddles. Thea's father moves to a new apartment and prepares a room for Irena, but as the police suspect foul play around the death of Thea's mother, Irena is taken into custody. She reveals both that the true culprit is the pimp and that she killed him. She is tried, and sent to jail. Thea stops eating until the judge allows Irena to visit her in the hospital and feed her. DNA testing reveals that Thea is not her daughter after all. After she is out of jail, she finds Thea, a young lady now waiting for her.
The theme of this movie is the freedom.  The freedom that Irena was looking for, she thought she can buy her freedom with the money she stole from the pimp, but at the end of the movie she realized that she cannot buy her freedom. She had to kill the guy that was controlling her to get her freedom. This movie was great it’s one of those movies that you can’t get out of your head. I really enjoyed the flash backs from the past. The flash backs help to make the movie more interesting and more mysterious. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eat drink man and woman

This movie is about Senior Master Chef Chu who lives in a large house in Taipei with his three unmarried daughter. Also his wife passed away and he was racing his three daughters on his own. The first one was Jia-Jen,she was a chemistry teacher who used to work at a school. She made up a lie about having a boy friend in collage, and they broke up and also she was trying to show that she was so upset about it. She will fall in love with the volleyball coach at the school she was working at, and later on in the movie she will get married to him and he will convert to Christianity. The second daughter was Jia-Chien, who was an airline executive. She didn’t have a really good bond with her father, she was complaining about his cooking because her father was getting old and he was losing his taste to the food he cooks, when the movie goes on we will find out that she is the only one who will find out about her father’s sickness. The last one was Jia-Ning. She was a student who also works in a fast food restaurant, who also happened to fall in love with her fiend’s boyfriend. After her friend break up with her boyfriend she will get married and move in with him.
When the movie goes on we will find out that all those girls have an uncle who happened to be a chef too and he was working with their father in a big restaurant in Taiwan. Their uncle will die and that when the middle daughter will find out about her father’s sickness. They all lived together till the oldest and the youngest daughters got married and the moved out of the house. At the end of the movie the father Chef Chu decided to sell the house because it has all of his memories with his wife that passed away. The middle daughter bought the house form her dad after he got married to one the neighbors.
This movie has a major theme which is that romantic relationships give life meaning and are necessities of life (such as eating and drinking). Since the family members have difficulty expressing their love for one another, the intricate preparation of banquet quality dishes for their Sunday dinners serves as a surrogate for the spoken expression of their familial feelings. Another theme is the burden of aging. Chef Chu is depicted as having lost his "one true love" (his wife), losing another (his ability to taste) and about to lose all three daughters to marriage, not to mention the usual specter of old age.
I really liked the movie and I really like all the different types of food that they were cooking in the movie. Also all the emotions and the relationships are something that we as humans in our time now can relate too.


Blue is one of the tree color movies. It was the first of all three. It was directed by Krzysztof Kielslowski's in 1993. This movie is about Julia who was married to a famous music producer. In the begging of the movie she gets in a car accident and she loses her husband and her daughter. She was the only one in her family to survive. After being released from the hospital, Julie closes up the house she lived in with her family and takes an apartment in Paris without telling anyone, or keeping any clothing or objects from her old life, except for a chandelier of blue beads that presumably belonged to her daughter. When the movie goes on the lonely wife and mother Julie disassociates herself from all past memories and distances herself from former friendships. Also before Julie’s husband, he wrote the best music piece, but he wrote it in some type of secret langue him and his wife were the only ones who were able to read it. Julie went to her husband office to destroy the score for her late husband's last commissioned. But her assistance made copies of those papers and she spends them to Oliver who happened to be a musician.   
Julie reluctantly befriends an exotic dancer who is having an affair with one of the neighbors and helps her when she needs moral support. Despite her desire to live anonymously and alone, life in Paris forces Julie to confront elements of her past that she would rather not face, including Olivier, a friend of the couple, also a composer and former assistant of Patrice's at the conservatory, who is in love with her, and the fact that she is suspected to be the true author of her late husband's music. Olivier appears in a TV interview announcing that he shall try to complete Patrice's commission, and Julie also discovers that her late husband was having an affair.
While both trying to stop Olivier from completing the score and finding out that her husband's mistress was, she becomes more engaged despite her own efforts not to be. She tracks down Sandrine, Patrice's mistress, and finds out that she is carrying his child; Julie arranges for her to have her husband's house and recognition of his paternity for the child. This provokes her to begin a relationship with Olivier, and to resurrect her late husband's last composition, which has been changing according to her notes on Olivier's work. Olivier decides not to incorporate the changes suggested by Julie, stating that this piece is now his music and has ceased to be Patrice's. He says that she must either accept his composition with all its roughness or she must allow people to know the truth about her composition. She agrees on the grounds that the truth about her husband's music would not be revealed as her own work.
For me I really liked the movie. Also I felt it’s something that everyone can be related to which can help us to face our fears and make the most out of the thing we don’t like. Music plays an intricate element of the plot in that it illustrates Julie's efforts to be isolated from everything but cannot do it.