Monday, November 15, 2010

the unknown woman

The unknown woman is movie about Irena who was a sex slave. The movie starts The Unknown Woman” begins with a flashback in which Irena, in a blond wig and white mask  and dressed only in underwear and spiked heels, joins other prostitutes to audition for a client seen only as a peeping eye. The movie abruptly cuts from the recent past to the present in a northern Italian city where Irena, now a drably outfitted brunette with large haunted eyes, finds a job as a janitor in an upscale apartment building. The residence is inhabited by an unhappily married couple, the Adachers (Pierfrancesco Favino and Claudia Gerini), and their daughter, Thea. For all of Irena’s protestations about needing a job, she produces a wad of cash to rent the apartment across the street, the better to spy on the family.
Irena best friend the Adachers’ doorman (Alessandro Haber) by offering him a percentage of her salary, and through him meets the family’s garrulous live-in maid, Gina (Piera Degli Esposti). No sooner are they pals than Irena contrives a near-fatal accident in which Gina tumbles down the building’s spiral staircase. Replacing her as the Adachers’ housekeeper, Irena surreptitiously scours the place, searching for a mysterious something. She also develops an intense, seesawing relationship with Thea, whom she alternately bullies and coddles. Thea's father moves to a new apartment and prepares a room for Irena, but as the police suspect foul play around the death of Thea's mother, Irena is taken into custody. She reveals both that the true culprit is the pimp and that she killed him. She is tried, and sent to jail. Thea stops eating until the judge allows Irena to visit her in the hospital and feed her. DNA testing reveals that Thea is not her daughter after all. After she is out of jail, she finds Thea, a young lady now waiting for her.
The theme of this movie is the freedom.  The freedom that Irena was looking for, she thought she can buy her freedom with the money she stole from the pimp, but at the end of the movie she realized that she cannot buy her freedom. She had to kill the guy that was controlling her to get her freedom. This movie was great it’s one of those movies that you can’t get out of your head. I really enjoyed the flash backs from the past. The flash backs help to make the movie more interesting and more mysterious. 

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