Tuesday, September 28, 2010

talk to her

Talk to her is a movie about two lonely men one of them called Marco and he is lonely because the girl he loves “Alicia” is in coma because she got injured at her job, she was a female bullfighter. The other
man was Benigno and he is a thirty years old virgin and he is a male nurse at local clinic. And he happened to take care of his lover Alicia, who was comatose accident victim. In the begging both Marco and Benigno happened to attend the same dance concert. Which Alicia was the leading star only to eventually meet again at a private clinic where Benigno works.  There, he is the personal nurse and caregiver for Alicia, a beautiful dance student who lies in a coma.  Benigno loved Alicia so much he was taking care of her every day when she was in a coma and also he had sex with her. He talked to Marco about it and he really got upset. And when the clinic staff found out about what he did, they sent him to jail. After Benigno felt bad about what he did while he was in jail he decided to kill himself because he felt lonely away from the girl he loved.

The major theme of this movie is loneliness. The two friends feel lonely because each one of them loves someone but they cannot tell them that they are in love with them. And also both of the girls they love happened to go into a coma and they left the boys alone. Both guys were trying to fill that empty felling that they have inside them. For example Benigno was talking to Alicia while she was in a coma like if she was a life and aware of him and also he had sex with her.

I really liked the movie it was so touchable it really touch me. I think not only the characters in the movie touch all of us but also the director has managed, through the use of color, production design and lighting, to craft their world in such a way as we see what they see and therefore through their relationships, see who they are. Also the director made us feel bad for Benigno even after he had sex with Alicia and getting her pregnant while she was still in a coma. Over all for me the movie was great it really made me think about how people feels about others and how being lonely is really hard for some people to handle. Also I really like the music in this movie. I think the music was quit relaxing and it really helps to get us into the mood of the movie.

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